Info on the new model range

New smart bike on the horizon: Can we expect a low-priced VanMoof?


With a teaser, VanMoof announces a new bike that will be unveiled next Tuesday (May 9, 20923). The information is still very vague and mainly consists of colorful detail shots of the bikes. Despite the scarce info, we can already speculate what VanMoof will bring there …

  • We see colorful pictures, which could be an indication of different frame colors of the new bikes. This would be a clear differentiation from the current S5 and A5 models. In addition, VanMoof recently sent out a survey to customers asking for preferred colors.
  • The frames of the bikes look familiar: we see two variants, one of which in particular resembles the compact VanMoof X3. So you can assume that VanMoof will deliver here a refreshed series of the known frame designs from the S3 and X3.
  • Will the new bike be cheaper? We can assume so, especially since VanMoof has just reduced the price of the S5 and A5 to around 3,500 Euros. Thus, there would be enough room for a cheaper model below that.

The question of what the new VanMoof will be called is also unclear. Even before the introduction of the current S5 bikes, the designation S4 suggested itself as the logical continuation of the S3 generation. The fact that it was then immediately made the jump to five, some explained themselves also with the fact that the number 4 in the Asian region is partly associated with superstitious fear.

From a current perspective, it would be almost more obvious if the upcoming novelties were called the VanMoof S4 and VanMoof X4 — as the “smaller” models below the 5 series. But if we stick to the theory that the four is to be avoided, then anything would be conceivable. From S3 with an addition like S3S (as Apple had done for the iPhones for a long time) to a Roman numeral (in reference to the upcoming speed bike VanMoof V) can be speculated wildly.

Although VanMoof will certainly reveal more information in the coming days (we’ll keep the article up to date here), final facts about the new bike will be announced by VanMoof directly on May 9 via email.

Update: in the meantime the new bikes VanMoof S4 and X4 are presented. You can find all the info in this article.




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