For more safety

Blubrake introduces the first ABS for cargo e-bikes


The exponential growth in the use of cargo bikes in logistics and individual mobility is leading to an ever-increasing demand for safety on these bikes. With the first anti-lock braking system (ABS) for cargo e-bikes developed by blubrake, riding on these bikes is now much safer.

In recent years, cargo bikes with electric auxiliary motors have conquered the cities. It now seems obvious that they will play a decisive role in the future of urban mobility. Whether for personal or professional use, e-cargo bikes have gained enormous popularity, especially in Northern European countries. Market analysis shows a strong growth trend with sales up 53% in 2020 (according to City Changer Cargo Bike Project surveys). As a result, e-cargo bikes are now among the key drivers of the urban mobility revolution and “last mile” logistics.

The rapid spread of e-cargo bikes has led to strong demand for greater safety. Cargo bikes are used to transport heavy loads and can reach relatively high speeds. Due to this configuration and function, the braking process on e-cargo bikes is a particularly critical moment. This is even more true when the transport box is empty and abrupt or unforeseen braking can lead to instability, skidding and loss of control. In order to offer greater safety even on poorly adhering surfaces or in unfavorable weather conditions, Blubrake, the Italian flagship company in high-tech solutions for braking systems, has developed the first and only ABS (anti-lock braking system) specifically for e-cargo bikes. Thanks to the collaboration of various industry leaders, it will be launched on the market in the coming months.

Blubrake ABS Cargo Bikes Detail
High-tech, invisibly installed: Blubrakes ABS

What the manufacturer says

“With these vehicles, the braking process is a particularly delicate moment. Cargo e-bikes are heavier and often faster than normal e-bikes and tend to be unstable, especially when empty. ABS prevents the front wheel from locking, prevents slipping and gives the bike more stability,” said Fabio Todeschini, founder and CEO of Blubrake. “Our team has succeeded in developing a solution, so far unique on the market, that meets the need for safety and reliability.”

This is how it works

Blubrake’s ABS, which aims to become the safety standard for every e-cargo bike present on the market, consists of three key elements: A sensor measures the speed of the front wheel and transmits the information to a control unit, which uses the readings from the speed sensor and accelerometers in the frame to calculate the bike’s dynamics and determine potentially dangerous situations that could arise during braking. In such dangerous situations, the actuator intervenes and controls the hydraulic pressure of the front brake, which in turn ensures smooth braking and increased stability and controllability of the e-bike.

Blubrake ABS is suitable for all types of e-cargo bikes. It is also an open system that can be combined with all commercially available hydraulic brakes and drive systems from other suppliers. Thanks to a patented AI system, Blubrake’s ABS also works perfectly on a wide variety of surfaces, including particularly slippery and accident-prone paths (gravel, cobblestones, leaves) or in rain and fog. Blubrake’s goal with this technology is not only to make the cargo e-bike a particularly environmentally friendly and sustainable means of transport, but also to make it a particularly safe one – so that nothing stands in the way of its mass use in both individual mobility and urban logistics.



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