Become an ambassador of Orbea

Street Sounds: Orbea wants to know your mobility goals — and provides a bike for it!


Orbea is drawing attention with a new campaign: under the title Street Sounds, the company is looking for people who move through our cities. Who live in them, who are a part of them and who interpret the bicycle as an innovative part of modern urban life. And from them Orbea would like to know now about their mobility goals. These goals could be, for example:

  • I want to ride my bike to work every day.
  • I want to increase the use of bicycles in my neighborhood.
  • I want to raise awareness of the topic and inform other people about the possibilities and benefits of sustainable mobility.
  • I want to advocate for more bike lanes and parks for bikes.

These are just a few examples of actions around urban mobility. The more detailed your idea is, the better your chances of being named an Orbea Ambassador.

How to participate

Suggestions can be submitted via this website until March 28, 2021. Orbea will then select four people from the participants who will be provided with a bike to tackle their respective goals. Not entirely altruistically, of course, because the participants will then report on their experiences in Orbea’s blog.

Finally, on June 3, 2021, two winners will be chosen to become the City of Orbea Ambassadors!



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