Last November, Cowboy gave the popular Smart Bike C3 a drastic price reduction to 1,490 Euros. The demand was huge, which meant that the bike was sold out at this price even before the end of the promotion. After that, the bike was available again, but the price climbed to 2,290 euros.
So now there is another opportunity to purchase the bike at a really attractive price: currently and until September 30, 2022, the Cowboy C3 is available in black or light mineral gray for 1,590 euros. Interested parties are advised to buy as soon as possible — just in case this batch could also be sold out prematurely! To the price of the bike are then 75 euros for shipping on top, resulting in a total price of 1,665 euros.
By the way, if you can’t decide between the Cowboy C3 and its successor, the Cowboy C4, please read our review of the Cowboy C3. The main differences are listed here, as well as the main advantages of the older model — for some, the Cowboy C3 may be the more suitable of the two bikes!
More info on the bike with the option to order at a discounted price is available right here at Cowboy.